2024 Sailing Instructions
49th State Championship and Combined Teams Events 2024
121st year of organised Power Yacht Events on the Swan River
The event will be sailed under the Time Trialling Rules 2021 Revision 2.2 (as amended from time to time) of the CPYA of WA, here in after referred to as the Rules and these Sailing Instructions. The Rules are applicable at the event starting time and as modified by these Sailing Instructions or the arrival of the start boat or checkpoint boat at station whichever is the earlier. A copy of the rules is available on the CPYA Home Page at
For removal of any doubt all State Championship and Teams events will be run in accordance with these instructions including Club Invitation Races that incorporate a State Championship and Teams event.
Every competing power yacht shall fly its club burgee over the Power Yacht competition class flag. The protest flag is International Code Flag B.
All Signals and Flags will be in accordance with Part III Clause 15 of the Rules.
In accordance with the allotted number ranges in appendix 7 of the Rules.
The regatta will consist of 8 events.
Each power yacht shall nominate their time trialling speed at the time of entry in accordance with requirements of Part IV Clause 22 of the Rules. After the closing of entries no changes of nominated speeds will be accepted.
Will be as per course sheet and in accordance with Definition Part II of the Rules. Notification of any change of course shall be in accordance with Clause 15.5 of the Rules.
For events conducted on CPYC courses ( heats 1, 4, 6 & 8) the Start Times, Course list and Speed Range details and Course Maps can be found at CPYA Fixtures and Results
For the RPYC Seafarers Event the Start Times, Course list and Speed Range details and Course Maps can be found at RPYC Fixtures and Results
For the RFBYC Kylie Cup Event the Start Times, Course list and Speed Range details and Course Maps can be found at RFBYC Fixtures and Results
For the CYC Lloyd Anderson Event the Start Times, Course list and Speed Range details and Course Maps can be found at CYC Fixtures and Results
For the SoPYC Ti Tu Event the Start Times, Course list and Speed Range details and Course Maps can be found at SoPYC Fixtures and Results
For any discrepancy between the Course List and Course Maps the Course List takes precedence.
An orange on station flag may be hoisted when the start boat is on station.
a) Ten minutes before the start a warning gun/hooter may be fired and the class flag raised.
b) Five minutes before the start the preparatory flag, International Code flag P may be hoisted and a gun/hooter fired.
c) At the actual start time a gun/hooter may be fired and the class and preparatory flags may fall.
d) Each boat shall start at its allotted time irrespective of the occurrence or absence of the signals and any such occurrences or absences shall not be grounds for protest
e) Power yachts waiting for their allotted start time are to stay clear of Power Yachts setting up for and in the action of starting.
f) When starting power yachts shall be travelling at their nominated speed, or restricted speed if applicable, on a course approximately 90 degrees to the start line.
g) Postponement, Cancellation or Abandonment of events will be in accordance with Part III Clause 6 of the Rules with the Organising Committee giving the best opportunity for events to proceed without jeopardising safety of organisers and competitors alike.
Speed restrictions are designated on the course sheet and show the speed limit applying from the previous mark. Power yachts with a higher nominated speed shall travel at the designated speed in restricted areas.
May be at the start and finish and at any fixed mark on the course and in accordance with the Clause 16 of the Rules.
Clearances shown in the Course Sheets (e.g. Starboard - 30m)
are the minimum distances by which these marks are to be passed. These distances
are set for safety reasons. When a mark is shown on a Course Sheet with a clearance,
it shall not be used as a checked Mark.
Shall be in accordance with Appendix 2 Clause 1 of the Rules
a) The Organising Committee for the Organising Authority will be responsible for advising competitors of the method and timing for the receiving of Entries. This will generally be in accordance with the Notice of Event on the CPYA Home Page.
b) All team members nominated by clubs will be required to self nominate in accordance with Organising Authorities Registration Process. Each Club will be responsible for advising the Organising Committee of their Team Members prior to commencement of the Event.
c) Power yachts not selected in their club’s team, but whose skippers wish to compete in the championship, shall self nominate in accordance with the Organising Authorities Registration Process.
d) Handicaps will be downloaded automatically by Checkpoint from the central database maintained in the Sportspage server.
A power yacht shall steer a proper course, rounding or passing the series of marks on the required side and in the correct order as specified in the sailing instructions. If, after starting, a power yacht initially rounds or passes a mark of the course (including the start mark) on the wrong side, it will incur a 10pt penalty.
Any protest shall be signified as soon as practicable by displaying International Code Flag B on the protesting yacht until the finish of the event and either;
a) Text message to the nominated Regatta Control Officer of the event, or;
b) Notifying the nominated Regatta Control Officer by telephone.
It will be the Organising Authority responsibility to advise competitors of the Regatta Control Officer contact name and number prior to each event.
A written protest accompanied by a fee of $50.00 must be lodged in accordance with Part VI Clause 31.
If a competitor seeks redress against the recorded time at a check point or penalty applied by the Organising Committee it must be in accordance with the requirements of Part VI Clause 30 of the Rules
Should the competitor disagree with the decision then he/she shall have the right to a protest hearing in accordance with the Rules.
a) The time source used for events will be Official Regatta Time.
b) Substitutions:
No substitution of a skipper for a championship heat will be allowed.
Any substitution of power yacht, skipper or crew in teams events shall be subject to the approval of the Regatta Control Officer.
Requests for any substitution must be made to such officer not less than one hour prior to the start times of such events where substitution is required.
Any substituted power yacht which is not already nominated for the event shall carry the same competition number, compete at the same speed and start at the same time as the original entry.
Power Yachts already nominated for the championship division of the event may be substituted for a previously nominated team member who is unable to compete, providing that due notice is given and permission granted.
Radar speed checking and/or video tape equipment may be used as evidence of breach of any rule or sailing instruction.
Results shall be published on the CPYC Results tab on CPYA Fixtures and Results Page as soon as practicable after each event.
a) Each power yacht shall comply with all regulations in accordance with the Marine Safety Division of the Department of Transport.
b) Every competing Power Yacht shall comply with the minimum requirements of their club of origin.
c) All competitors are required to keep a listening watch on VHF channel 77 or other channel as advised by the Organising Committee from the 10 minute signal and for 10 minutes after their finish.
d) All competitors are required to keep the Regatta Control Officers mobile number easily accessible.
e) All competitors are required to keep the Water Police phone number easily accessible (131 444 & Harvest Rd Branch 9442 8600) VHF 16 & 67
f) All competitors are required to report significant incidents to their respective Yacht Clubs.
Neither the Cruising & Power Yacht Committee, Yachting Western Australia (Inc.) nor Australian Sailing nor the host club nor any officer or official of the aforesaid committee association or club shall be responsible for any personal injury or damage to property arising from any cause whatsoever. Participating in the event shall be deemed an acceptance of this indemnity. However, any accident involving personal injury or damage to property howsoever arising shall be reported immediately to the Regatta Control Officer or a member of the Organising Committee.
It shall be the sole responsibility of each power yacht skipper to decide whether or not to start or continue to compete.
No power yacht skipper or crew shall indulge in offensive behaviour, verbal or otherwise, with any official involved in the event. A competitor may be disqualified under this rule in the case of a clear cut violation of the above principles and only when no other rule applies.
The scoring systems for both championship and teams events shall be in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Rules.
Variable handicaps shall be in accordance with Appendix 8 of the Rules.
Pennants will be awarded to skippers and navigators placed 1st 2nd or 3rd in Championship, Consistency and Teams Events.
End of Series winners will be entered on the Perpetual Trophies with take home trophies to be determined by the level of sponsorship received. Perpetual Trophies will be held at the latest winners home club.
Any competitor completing an event of a minimum of 7 valid checkpoints and incurring zero (0) penalty points inclusive of any penalties applied by the Organising Committee will be inscribed on the Perpetual Colin Wilson 0 Points lost Trophy with the Trophy to reside at the most recent winners home club.
Invitation Events forming part of the State Championship and Teams Events may have additional prizes which will be independent of the State Championship and Teams Events.
24. COVID 19 Addendum
Social distancing is a key strategy in minimising the spread of the Covid19 disease within the community. The governing legislation and authority recommendations are a changing landscape and all competitors are to be familiar with and abide by the current rules and regulations around social distancing that are in place at the time of the events.
Competitors that are showing symptoms or have been in contact with someone showing symptoms within 14 days of an event should not participate in the event. Socialising after the event will be in accordance with individual club Covid 19 Management policies.
Championship Officer
Cruising and Power Yacht Association